Today I launch the UnPopCultures YouTube channel, yikes! I kick things off with a tutorial showing how I create this super simple, vintage-inspired hairstyle with a scarf. Check it out and hit subscribe as I have some exciting plans!
thanks for all your support, dear readers! turns 1 year old today- whoop!!! It’s been a brilliant year and I’ve loved getting back to writing on things I’m passionate about, and have a new creative outlet- thanks for all your support, dear readers! My personal favourite post have been about my experience at a Goth festival, and the other side of my life as a Swing dancer. It’s also been genuinely inspiring to interview my friends about their fascinating careers and lifestyles. Now, the time has come to take the next steps and unleash video content on the world.
I’ve been busy filming some “tutorials” showing how I create my vintage and Goth hair and makeup looks, and plan to add in some travel and event vlogs over the next few months. Please visit my channel and hit Subscribe to keep updated (this will also really help me out to secure a unique URL for the channel so it’s easier to find- thank yooooou!!).
The first video is a quick and easy look that takes just 5 minutes! I wear this for Lindy Hop and Blues dancing and in the summer to protect my hair from the sun- it’s practical while also adding vintage flavour to your look. I source most of my square, bandanna size scarves from vintage shops (I love rummaging through those overflowing baskets full of them!), and also high street places such as Seasalt and even Cath Kidston. Hope this video is helpful!
My ideas for videos so far are inspired by people asking how I create certain looks while I’m out and about, and from Instagram posts- please get in touch if you have any requests! I’m looking forward to year 2 of unpopcultures 🙂
Thanks for reading! Hit Follow to receive brief notes letting you know that I’ve posted a new article, and in the meantime, check out the Instagram and YouTube channels for more (Un)Popular content!